News Stories from November 2011

New German Railways Gallery

Story posted: 23. November 2011 by Andrew Danskin

A new gallery of images of German Railways is now live. The initial selection is from colour slides taken mostly in the early 1960s, although there are also some pictures from the 70s and 80s. In due course another gallery will be uploaded containing historic images of German Railways mostly from old postcards, whilst further galleries of images from colour slides covering French, Italian and Austrian railways are also in preparation. Watch this space!

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New Forest of Dean Gallery

Story posted: 16. November 2011 by Andrew Danskin

The Forest of Dean section of Gloucestershire continues to expand with the addition of a new gallery for the village of Bream, near Lydney. The images range from the early 1900s up to the late 1950s in period. We have access to a large collection of Forest of Dean postcards and photographs, and galleries for all the towns and villages will be added as time permits.

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New Childrens Art Gallery & More Santa!

Story posted: 11. November 2011 by Andrew Danskin

A new gallery of children's art by the artist Chloe Preston has been added, which contains 80 images, all from the 1930s period. Approximately another 20 new images from this genre can be found in the Fairy Tales and Anthropomorphic Animals galleries, whiist a further 40 new Santa Claus pictures from the Edwardian era have been added to the Father Christmas & Christmas Greetings gallery. Keep an eye on the counter bottom left to see at a glance when new images have been loaded.

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