News Stories from May 2011

Victorian Britain Gallery

Story posted: 27. May 2011 by Andrew Danskin

Another new gallery has been added, for images of Victorian Britain. This will comprise topographical views taken from c1850 up to 1899 and enables us to upload some of the very early photographs we have, instead of waiting until we have enough views of a particular place to make it worthwhile creating a new gallery for it. If you are searching for a particular place, simply type the name into the Search box and it will find all of the views from the various galleries. Cheltenham, for instance, can now be found in Victorian Britain, Gloucestershire Railways and Places By County.


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Category: What's New?    Viewed: 2253

Two New Galleries

Story posted: 24. May 2011 by Andrew Danskin

Two more brand new galleries have now been uploaded, one for British Social History images, which includes numerous superb photographs of people at work or at their leisure, children at play, weddings etc, some located but many not. In time, this gallery will grow to form a cross section of British social life in the hundred years from 1860 to 1960. The second new gallery features images of the railways of the old Welsh county of Caernarvonshire, including the fascinating narrow gauge lines, some of which still survive today. The Gloucestershire Railways gallery has also had a lot of…

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Category: What's New?    Viewed: 2158

Glamorganshire Railways Gallery

Story posted: 15. May 2011 by Andrew Danskin

Another large new gallery, Glamorganshire Railways has been uploaded, containing over 100 images initially. Again more will be added in the future but, at the present time, we will continue to spread the range and geography of the new galleries which we intend to upload over the next few months.

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Category: What's New?    Viewed: 2049

New Industrial Gallery

Story posted: 13. May 2011 by Andrew Danskin

Around 90 new images have been uploaded today, including a major new industrial gallery for the Ebbw Vale Coal, Iron & Steel Co. Ltd. The 55 pictures currently in this gallery have all come from an extremely scarce 1907 brochure published by the company but we will also be loading up further images of the EVIS&C showing the Company's operations and works at different periods as time permits. Also added today, another 30 plus images into the Gloucesteshire Railways gallery, mostly scanned from old postcards.

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   Viewed: 1961