News Stories from June 2011

Forest of Dean Coalfield Gallery

Story posted: 15. June 2011 by Andrew Danskin

With the uploading of over 90 images in a new gallery, we have now extended our coverage of the smaller coalfields of England to include the tiny Forest of Dean Coalfield in west Gloucestershire. We have also added a comments facility for the latest galleries to be added to the site, in order that you can give us feedback on the images being listed. Further images will be added to the Yorkshire Coalfields gallery shortly, taking us further along the alphabet; at the moment we have listed Yorkshire Collieries from A-G from the large collection we have to hand, so H-L will be next.

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Category: What's New?    Viewed: 2291

New Advertising Gallery

Story posted: 10. June 2011 by Andrew Danskin

Our latest gallery concentrates on old advertising images, taken mostly from a large collection of old postcards of the Edwardian era which has been provided to us for use on the site. The range of images featured includes many famous and iconic posters of the period right through to advertising cards issued by individual businesses. There are many striking and colourful themes to be found here and this gallery will be expanded further in the future. Within this gallery is also is a sub-gallery for Heraldic designs, for cities, towns and countries, maninly from the late Victorian and…

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Category: What's New?    Viewed: 2171