Story posted: Monday, 28. March 2011 by Andrew Danskin
We have been given access to a large collection of colliery postcards, approx 2,500 in total, covering the whole of the British Isles, which have been collected over the last 40 years and cover the period from around 1905 to the 1950s. The first 150 images, all Yorkshire collieries, have now been uploaded. These are being done alphabetically, so collieries beginning A-G have been uploaded so far. We will carry on with all of the Yorkshire mines and will then move on to the other coalfields. It will take some time to get them all uploaded, particularly as we want to add to and create other galleries as well, to keep the appeal of the site as broad as possible. However, we could entertain specific requests, if anyone wants us to load collieries of a particular place or specific area. Please email us if you want to inquire if we have anything of your area.
Browse the gallery: Yorkshire Coalfield
Category: What's New? | Viewed: 1921