Story posted: Tuesday, 26. April 2011 by Andrew Danskin
Over the last few days, we have created a major new gallery entitled The Art of Childhood, which contains sub galleries featuriung various aspects of artwork produced mainly for children or to do with childhood. Featured subjects include Christmas, Fairies, Fairy Tales and Nursery Rhymes, children at play and anthropomorphic animals – the depiction of various types of animals in human dress and everyday human scenes. Titles/captions still remain to be added over the next few days but, in the meantime, much of the relevant information is given in the image title. We have many more images to add to this gallery in the future but for the time being will be concentrating on developing the overall range of images we want to show in the site.
Browse the gallery: The Art of Childhood
Category: What's New? | Viewed: 1972